Dahabshiil Group Ogaysiin ku socota macmiisha iyo guud ahaan shacabka


Ogaysiin ku socota macmiisha iyo guud ahaan shacabk

Shirkaddaha Dahabshiil Group iyagoo u mahadcelinaya macaamiishooda, waxay u cadaynayaan in dhammaan adeegyadda Dahabshiil oo uu ka mid yahay Dahabshil Bank ay si caadi ah uga shaqaynayaan dhammaan wadamadda iyo gobollada ay ka shaqayso.

Waxa noo soo baxday in ay jiraan dacaayado iyo qoraalo been abuur ah oo Facebook-ga lagu faafiyay oo lagaga been abuurayo shirkado ay ka mid yihiin Dahabshiil Bank, Somtel iyo maamulaha guud ee Shirkaddaha Dahabshiil Group Abdirashid Duale.

Waxaanu ku wargalinaynaa dhamaan macaamiisheena sharafta leh iyo dadweynaha in aysan rumaysan dhammaan dacaayadaha iyo been abuurka, Waxaan u gudbinay qoraaladaa beenta ah iyo cida qoraysaba hay’adaha ay khuseyso si tallaabo deg deg ah looga qaado, oo sharciyada gudaha iyo dibaddaba waafaqsan.

Sidaa daradeed Waxaanu dhamaan macaamiisha ka codsanaynaa iyo cidii kale ee ka soo hor jeeda been abuurka, xaasidnimadda, isku dirka beenta ah iyo wax alaala wixii xumaan ah in ay iyaguna qaadan talaabadda ay u arkaan inay haboontahay oo hay’adaha ay khusayso u gudbiyaan oo Facebook ka mid yahay (Report Page).

Shirkaddaha Dahabshiil Group waxay ku faraxsanyihiin in xidhiidh shaqo oo wanaagsan iyo tartan caafimaad qaba ay la leeyihiin shirkadaha kale.

Wixii ogaysiis ama qoraal ah ee ka imanaya shirkaddaha Dahabshiil, Dahabshil Bank, Somtel iyo maamulka shirkadda oo uu ka mid yahay Abdirashid Duale waxay ku soo baxaan kaliya bogagan rasmiga ah ee shirkadda ee ay xaqiijisay Facebook (Blue Tick).

Wixii talo iyo Tusaalo ah ama macmluud dheeri ah, nagala soo xidhiidh cinwaanadan hoose:
E-mail: info@dahabshiil.com


– Allaa Mahad Leh –

Please find below English Version.

Public Notice by Dahabshiil Group Management

The Dahabshiil Group would like to thank its customers and assure you that all Dahabshiil services including Dahabshil Bank continue to operate as usual across all regions.

It has come to our attention that there are misleading notices and unfounded announcements carrying false information being circulated on Facebook about our companies, including Dahabshil Bank, Somtel, and its senior management including Group CEO, Abdirashid Duale.

Dahabshiil Group companies enjoy cordial working relationships and healthy competition with other companies and we can confirm there are no conflicts as falsely reported.

This is to inform our esteemed customers and the general public that they should ignore all these unsubstantiated claims, and cross-check and verify any information against our official platforms. Any Dahabshiil notice will be published on this official verified Facebook Page and the below official platforms as well as on our websites.

Any news to the contrary should be dismissed and considered as untrue with an intention to mislead and defraud our customers. We have reported the false claims to the relevant authorities for immediate action. Dahabshiil Group requests your support in reporting any false information not from our official pages to the relevant authorities including Facebook and other social media platforms

For any further inquiries/clarification, please contact us on any of our verified official social media pages given below or via email to info@dahabshiil.com
